Important notice regarding parking outside Infinity and Spa Road.

Dear Parent / Carer, You may be aware that there has been a spate of issues relating to parking and dropping off / picking up at Infinity over the last few months.  A number of these issues have resulted in parents and carers being issued with a parking ticket by the traffic wardens who patrol the town centre.

I met with Bolton Council this week to discuss the issue with them, they have provided the below advice for parents and carers~:

  • Following todays meeting, I can confirm the drivers with blue badges are able to park for up to 3 hours on Spa road outside of the building. They would need to ensure that a blue badge and a timeclock is displayed.
  • It is also possible for passengers to board and alight on the pavement, however this does not mean vehicles are able to wait for passengers on the restrictions or that drivers can leave vehicles unattended.
  • I would also not encourage parents to drive on to the kerb when dropping off or picking up children as this can be very unsafe and obstruct the pavement.
  • I have also requested that parking bays and a crossing on Spa Road be considered by BMBC to ensure that children and young people can arrive and leave Infinity safely, this would be a longer term solution and is one that I will continue to raise with council colleagues.
  • I realise that none of the above provides a solution to the current challenges, but I hope it does help to provide some guidance on what is and is not permitted.  I have been advised that Ticket Wardens will continue to monitor the area at key opening and closing times and will continue to issue tickets to anyone in violation of the above. 

I hope this also helps to reassure you that we are trying to work in partnership with BMBC to find a solution that works for everyone longer term.


Emma Hutchinson – CEO BLGC